Ferro Steakhouse App

The Product

An app that allows users to order food online for pickup & delivery or make a reservation at any Ferro location.

My Role

Sole UX Researcher / UX Deesigner responsible for user research & testing, wireframing, and low/high fidelity prototypes


October 2021 - December 2021

Design Tool Used


The Problem

Customers were not ordering online from the mobile website, and mobile delivery opportunities were being missed. This was my first project for the Google UX Professional Certificate.

The Goal

Create an app that would allow users to order quickly, remember favorites, and allow them to connect with the brand.

Understanding the User

User Research

General surveys were given to patrons of local Philadelphia steakhouses to understand their usage of mobile ordering apps, and their regular pain points when using these apps.

The assumptions I made going into this research were that there would be many mobile orders but that customers would prefer the premium dine-in experience to ordering online.

After conducting the research I learned that many people do not use mobile apps to order from steakhouses since many do not provide apps for their customers. Many customers do, however, prefer the dine-in experience to the mobile delivery due to the quality of food and service at the restaurant.

Pain Points

After analyzing and synthesizing the results of the user survey I was able to gain 3 main insights.

Slow Ordering

Users were frustrated by how long it takes to order a meal for a full family. This led to the “favorites” section that saves previous orders for a quicker user journey.

Too Expensive

Many users want to save money while still dining out. This insight led to our reward points that users can track in the app to save money.

Small Delivery Zone

Users were frustrated with the lack of delivery to suburban centers, so our app allows users to save their personal address on their first visit to view if they are within our delivery zone before trying to order

Creating User Personas

Creating user personas allowed me to empathize more with users and imagine how different types of people would navigate the app differently. This helped me generate design solutions that were user centric, and keep accessibility in mind.

User Journey Map

Creating a user journey map helped me understand exactly what steps the user would have to take in order to complete a core task. This step-by-step breakdown revealed any technical challenges the user might face while navigating the app, and allowed me to fix them in the paper wireframes before creating anything digitally.

Building Wireframes

Paper Wireframes

After gathering all my user research I began the ideation phase of the design process. Paper wireframes offer an easy way to ideate quickly, and were a very useful way for me to get a lot of ideas out quickly after conducting ideation exercises like crazy 8’s and storyboarding.

Digital Wireframes

Based on the results of our user testing and ideation. I came up with the following solutions to our user’s pain points:

Click here to view my revised wireframes

Item Screen

Home Screen

Profile Screen

User Testing

After turning the digital wireframes into a low-fidelity prototype by connecting the screens I conducted a usability study with 5 participants. Participants were selected from a diverse group of ages, ethnicities, and ability levels to ensure the results would aid the overall accessibility of the app.

Round 1 Findings
(lo-fi usability)

Favorites section was too hard to find
Not enough function on the profile page
Users could not add favorites

Round 2 Findings
(hi-fi usability)

Button contrast too low
Menu Text on images too hard to read
Navigation buttons too small

Refining the Design


After conducting usability studies with my designs, I took user feedback into consideration and refined my original designs. By listening to users and making changes, my designs became more accessible to a wider audience. The main changes I made to my designs are as follows:

Before Testing

Before Testing

After Testing

After Testing

Click here to view my high-fidelity prototypes for the main user flow!

Results & Takeaways

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